If you are a small business trying to make your way with selling some products to a limited number of customers, you might benefit from drop shipping. Through this ...
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Sometimes we get behind a product that we think is going to be the next great thing and then we quickly learn that the product flat out stinks! But sometimes because we got so excited with the...
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One of the most important things that a business owner needs to be able to do is negotiate. Whether it is for products or services, proper negotiating skills will directly effect the success of yo...
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In the simplest of terms, a social network can be compared to a map of all relevant ties between nodes that are being studied. In most social networks, there are connections that are hidden in t...
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Louis Vuitton is a celebrated handbag maker that tirelessly innovates and has an awesome range. It is out of reach of the mass market because of its high price tag. This is precisely the reason for the legitimate...
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LinkedIn is a very powerful tool which doesn’t only help us to quickly find potential customers, but also the people we have in common with them.   However, only f...
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Customer support is all about building a strong business relationship with your customer. This is basic for every business. The existence of business could be analyz...
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You must have heard several times that you can make money on eBay easily and quickly. But, is it true? Yes, it is possible, but to make this happen, you need to develop a pro...
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SMS Marketing makes for a great a way to connect directly with your customers for a host of reasons. Firstly, it allows you to instantaneously connect with your customers (existing or potential ones) through a dev...
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Social media is enough to make any Marketing VP think they’ve found the Promised Land. Online global communities with easy access, no cost to participate and literally millions of people...
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